Apr 09, 2024 NEWS 0 comment



Starting from 2020, the SOGO group has created a business model able to ensure, in addition to the long-term sustenance of the company, also the maximum commitment to preserving the environment, social well-being and fair and far-sighted governance .

Emission control, the efficient use of energy from sustainable sources, the reduction of water resources within its production processes and the recycling of waste products and packaging are some of the initiatives implemented by the management to turn it into a sustainable company.

In 2024, to make the commitment taken even more concrete, the company created an internal ESG system, the principles of which are integrated within its business strategy.

The new European reforms are establishing  increasingly stringent targets for reducing climate-changing emissions with the request to measure the carbon footprint and in this sense the calculation of the GWP (Global Warming Potential) value.

Our newly formed work team is already at work to give concrete answers to our customers, but above all to identify the areas in which it is possible to intervene in order to participate actively in the energy and ecological transition.